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Glimmering Hope in August 2018

In August to October 2018, the sky will be full of glimmering rays of hope for many people who have been in darkness in the UAE for some time. They will finally see light at the end of the tunnel with the new amnesty system that features many 'firsts'.

I was touched by the story of a Filipino amnesty seeker, Manuel (not his true name), 13 years in the country and two (2)  years he has been in limbo due to residency status. His overstay fines rose to AED73K. He was to face some charges filed against him by a car rental company, bank and a travel agency that filed an absconding case. With the new amnesty system, fines would be waived and absconding case would be lifted. (Ref: Gulfnews)

With the new amnesty system in the UAE, his overstay fines would be waived and his absconding case would be cancelled. The three-month leniency period is indeed a long-awaited solution and an answered prayer for many people.

The powerful line "Protect Yourself via Rectifying Your Status" reminds everyone of the vulnerability of being not protected because of the residency status issue.

Manuel is a qualified dog trainer but his dogs are documented, properly fed and taken care of, but he, a human being, is not. He could not pay his debts because the employer took advantage of his vulnerability -- knowing that he could not be issued a visa if he has not paid his payables and cleared his name. This crushes my heart. How can one pay debts if he would not be given a chance to work legally, if no family member, relative or friend would help him, if there is no property to sell or mortgage, and no lending institution would approve another loan application?

Many friends advised him to run away or to surrender before, and now to go home. He was wise when he decided to go on while in darkness and calmly wait for the proper time, and stay now that there is light to give his one last shot to seek the opportunity that best matches his qualifications.

On the first day of amnesty, Gulf News reports that a Philippine government officer said that majority of amnesty seekers want to stay back and avail of six-month visa. 

It is good to note that the Philippine missions to the UAE announced that they will shoulder related fees (exit permits, clearances and flight tickets to the Philippines) of amnesty seekers who want to go home. The condition for this financial support is they should not have a ban during the three-month leniency period.

I hope that if after six (6) months they cannot still find the right job, there will be a flexible freelance visa at lesser costs so they can restore what has been lost and experience full recovery by unveiling good opportunities for people of determination.

As everything evolves and more people develop themselves and hone new skills, the flexible freelance visa I have in mind is not limited to a certain number of only two categories, like education and media, but something through which one can do more jobs according to his qualifications and available time, to meet different demands of various entities.

The more opportunities embraced, the more income, the more growth for the economy -- so it is a win-win thing.

I know that many people are passionately magnetized by this country for a thousand and more reasons.

Today I pray for all amnesty seekers, for their families and for the UAE government and other countries' missions officers and staff who take active roles in lighting the sky with a glimmering hope. Despair no more. Glory to God.

Photo credits:  Pixabay


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