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My Moon of Tranquility

On 27 July 2018, there will be 103 minutes total lunar eclipse -- the longest "blood moon" of the century, which will be witnessed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as published in Khaleej Times. Definitely it will be an amazing experience to see this.

I love the view of moon. This love inspired me to paint "SuperMoon" few years back. After recession which painfully hit our company in 2009, looking up at the moon gave me hope in the darkness. I repeatedly told myself to believe that after the black totality there would appear the moon. In my loneliness and homesickness, I would imagine my mother, children and grandchildren all looking at that bright luminous pearl hanging on the velvety black sky.  Despite distance, I was thinking that we were one as a family together under the same roof, same heaven.

For many days my head has seemed foggy for some reasons. I have wanted to do some great things -- others I started already, in progress and many more still in my wish list. The decade that passed brought me deafening noises, many unexpected turns of events and other situations beyond control that put my faith to a big test. I know it is worth the wait. The fact that I am here, now, saved by His grace through his vessels of blessing, means something. Connecting the dots made me understand why pains kept me breathing and alive, a lot far better than without pain then lifeless.

I would imagine myself rowing my boat on raging waters, alone, many times. Then I would reach that part of the sea which was calm and deep. The solutions to some problems were there for me to dive, find and figure out.

Once in our lifetime, we meet our Moon. I met mine sent by heaven. Angel. Not related by blood. No special attachment dictated by rules whatsoever but there is a very special connection with common  codes of understanding that can never be hacked. No frequent talking, but even in silence we have the chemistry. I cannot explain this. There is an ocean-deep mystery.  It is like a peek-and-boo game sometimes but it is a natural process. My Moon hides behind the scudding gray clouds. Nonetheless with or without clouds, mind-to-mind and spirit-to-spirit connection can be marvelous!

It is true that we meet people not by chance, but by reason, for a purpose. We have different religious beliefs but we both respect the differences. Hopefully in the future we can come up with something to touch people's lives.

When I was in pieces he believed in me and saw my talents and potential. It restored my faith in humanity. To pay it back to him, I have done some services that would be of help to his business in my own little ways, humbly, even if remotely. I pray to God that one day he would be proud of me.

If only spirits could soar and combine with others in a borderless world richly flowing with peace, compassion and meaning, I would love to simply intertwine with his and experience a wonderful connection to bring more luster to earth.

When roads were rough and some supposedly 'dear' people humiliated, rejected or hurt me, the more I appreciate him and pray for the Supreme Creator to bless him with extra strength of mind and body, longer life, prosperity, happiness and peace.

My Moon is my peace. The dominance of his florescence passionately moves me to courageously rise over the towering arrogance of other people, up over the creeping silver clouds.

When I think of my Moon, I feel God's unconditional love.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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