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That Forgiving Spirit

A Filipina mother and her three (3) children aged 7, 5 and 2, overstayed in the United Arab Emirates as they were fooled by a person they trusted to renew their visas. Overstaying fines rose to AED714,200 and the load was too heavy to bear. But yes, there is a solution to every problem. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

From that amount, it was reduced each to AED4K. Thanks to the 'forgiving spirit of the UAE government', next to God's grace. Thanks also to the multi-awarded international lawyer, Atty. Barney Almazar, who guided them every step of the way since they sought his legal support. Last Sunday, 10 June 2018, the family boarded on the plane back to the Philippines. They want to come back to Dubai which they consider their second home.

It's timely as the article was published in the leading newspaper in the UAE, Gulf News, the day before the 120th Philippine Independence Day, 12 June 2018.

It is really a horrible experience to 'live in fear and isolation' and to 'struggle to live normal lives'. For a mother or father with children's survival as a top priority, every single day is a big miracle. Life is tough, but for those who have experienced the normal life here they would choose to live in a place which they call a 'safe home' as peace and order is in place.

I remember the story of another woman who flew home a few months ago. She overstayed for a year and her passport would expire soon, so she surrendered herself to authorities and told them what happened, that she had no money to pay the fines. She managed to book a flight with the help of a friend and showed them the ticket. That 'forgiving spirit' of the UAE government brought her to tears -- tears of joy!  She said she lived in darkness for more than a year and got very depressed.

This 'forgiving spirit' of the government, particularly to women / mothers, means a lot. Freedom to move and live a normal life is priceless. We understand better and appreciate the value of freedom and independence when we experience how it is to live in the dark hole, in bondage, groping for light.

Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author, is right -- "If you feel you are in a black hole, don't give up. There's a way out." (Rest in peace, Sir.)

As Eid Al Fitr holidays are fast approaching, more souls will be touched by Muslim brothers and sisters, led by the government. People here will feel it more deeply and meaningfully as Ramadan is a very holy time for them for spiritual growth.

May those who are here on the same situation -- stuck due to some mistakes or failures, as we are not immune to life's trials -- experience to see light, rise on same place where they collapsed, enjoy living normal lives, capture opportunities, come up with something 'home-grown-success-amidst-adversity' stories, inspire others and give back to the country that blesses them.

We can draw an inspiration from the story of the world's number 1 richest man, son of Cuban immigrant, Jeff Bezos, who donates US$33M to fund college scholarships of 1,000 undocumented immigrant high school students who live in the US, with DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) status.

He may not be the authorized body to 'forgive' the undocumented immigrant high school students or their parents /guardians -- but he knows that they are in their circumstances for reasons beyond their control that deserve the forgiveness of authorities and support of people like him who are blessed and able to do so. For sure, most, if not all of them, will develop strong minds out of their situation. Education will be the key for them to be the leaders of tomorrow so their children and grandchildren will not experience the same.

A country that serves as a host incubator for such a talent to grow to be the earth's richest man with a generous heart, or simply to be truly rich in all aspects, can grow more innovative leaders that can help build a strong nation.

My thoughts and prayers are with the broken people to passionately metamorphosize. May miracles and blessings abound through the Creator's vessels, the country where they are in, the government and people who surround them.


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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