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Master of Public Health

The degree of Master of Public Health obtained from the leading university in our country, University of the Philippines Manila (College of Public Health) is a new milestone to my youngest daughter who turned 27 last 14 June 2018. It was her graduation this morning.

The online website of the said university shows the following subjects as core courses in the curriculum for Master in Public Health  -- principles of epidemiology;  principles of health administration;  practice of health administration; man, health and environment 1 & 2;  field practice;  research methods, and; public health education.

I cried in joy and with a grateful heart thanked God for this huge blessing that despite all tall challenges she reached that far in her quest to make a difference in her and our lives as well as others'.

How time flies! We can only connect the dots between yesterday and today to understand passion and purpose in life, and where the combination leads us to.

I remember when she asked me what would be the best tertiary course to take, considering our budgetary limitations and her interest, after her high school graduation.  Being in manpower services for a long time, I recommended a course related to healthcare. I knew that one of the primary reasons for the high unemployment rate was job mismatch. There were many job vacancies but the talents / skills available did not match the requirements of the employers.

This I explained to my three (3) children -- "Earth is aging. Lifestyle gets poorer and poorer every single day. There are many health problems due to wrong foods and pollutants. There will be a huge need for healthcare practitioners." The other two (2) finished nursing courses but had their careers redirected to other paths.

My daughter dreamed to be a doctor -- a pediatrician -- as she loves babies and children very much. I Google-searched what would be the best course to prepare her for that. I recommended medical technology course. Having an educational background in medical technology would be a great advantage if she pursues her dream.

In the past, I got involved in a business promoting enzyme-based health supplements.  With the help of an authorized health care practitioner, we utilized live cell / nutritional microscopy to analyze illnesses through the movement of blood cells. What pulled me to that business was the amazing health benefits of products to me.  That time, I could not walk due to a problem with my right knee joint, and after taking the supplements I was able to walk again. I think it was a bone density booster.

I got more interested in healthcare, particularly boosting immune system, when a friend oriented me on Dr. Jau Fei Chen's E Excel products.  Later some Malaysian businessmen supported me to do the business and enhanced my skills in marketing based on the merits of the products to our body. They called it 'nutritional immunology'. I mastered all the ingredients and related health benefits by heart so I could effectively do presentations on the importance of wholesome foods, clean air, and right lifestyle to have a good health and a better life.

My daughter had the same interest but on a deeper level as demonstrated when she led a research on anti-glycemic effect of redcurrants or 'bignay' (antidesma bunius) flavonoids in Sprague-Dawley rats.

She passed the government board examinations for medical technologists and also the examinations by an American accreditation body immediately after graduation which she finished by scholarship.  she worked in a local hospital where I gave birth to her and her two (2) siblings, then transferred to the top medical center in the country.

Only recently she resigned from the medical center after five (5) years of dedicated services to begin another journey in medical research. We truly appreciate all the great experiences she gained, the knowledge she learned and precious friends she added to her list of human treasures, from the hospital. 

Fast forward now she has turned another dream to reality. Master of Public Health. Only three (3) of them in the batch finally made it to the finish line. There were many obstacles along the way -- work overload, conflict in schedule, travel time, family problems, and budget, among others. Strong-minded, independent, resourceful and determined to go get the key to unlock a brighter future for her and for her family, she did 'whatever it takes' (our favorite line) to hit her goal.

My sadness because of being away from her on this momentous day due to circumstances beyond control, is replaced by an indescribable joy that comes from a spring of love. Every mother doubly feels the happiness of her beloved child.

When I look at the wall, at the ceiling, I see her face, then dove, sunflower, sun, and sunlight. Those are her icons to me. Inner peace, bright life, healing power and big hope. My daughter perfectly matched my sacrifices with unshakeable spirit, resourcefulness, frugality, focus and hard work. It's all worth it. She makes me very proud, indeed!

She is the kind of daughter who is very loving, caring and respectful. When she was to take her board examinations for medical technologists, all phones she switched off and social media, deactivated. Nobody could disturb her. Laser-focused she was. But the afternoon before the examinations, she requested my mother to tell me to call her up. She wanted to hear my voice praying over her via mobile phone. Her faith guided her.

When she was to make decisions, she would consult me, telling me what actually the landscape was, what her thoughts were, and what would I recommend to her.  It was like  Queen Elizabeth II's "What say you?" thing. I advised her to continue medical researches and engage in continuing education related to immunology, forensic DNA analysis, etc. and combine her passion with technology, then apply what she learned to help promote public health causes.

By God's grace and mercy, she has leveled up with her feet on the ground, no arrogance -- the way we were raised. God is true in His promise. Deuteronomy 5:16 says, "Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land of the Lord your God is giving you."  Everything went well.  

Today we celebrate the life of our passionately marvelous molecular scientist and master of public health. May she attract all good elements of the universe so she can fulfill her calling to serve people in the field of public health.

My Lord, we offer all to you. We praise you! Bless the souls of all people who have been with her in this journey.

My daughter, well done! May God be with you every step of your way. You made me very happy and proud!

Photo credits - Pixabay


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