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A Wedding Made in Heaven

I still have the royal wedding fever, highly amazed by the 'love, love, love' spirit captured from the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle last 19 May 2018.  It is indeed a Cinderella story for Meghan!

While watching it on livestreaming, I could not hold back my tears. Here are two (2) people in love who are both brave to fill the vacuum in their lives and move forward in life as one, on same page, to leave an impact in the world.

Looking at Prince Harry, one can tell how he misses his mother Princess of Wales Diana in this important event and how he adores the woman of his life! He disrupts everything by courageously marrying a divorcee three (3) years older than he is, 36 years old. His mother died at that age, and it is at this age his wife will start her life in a new world with him.

The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle was very beautiful and calm from the beginning until the end of the event, which made her shine more. The simple but elegant dress made her look regal and her strength as a woman was shown in her bare shoulders. How she stayed calm and focused could be attributed to how she was raised and trained in her career. I think yoga and 5-day vegan foods also helped.

Her mother, Doria, cried many times. Who would not be? If it were a dream, she'd wish that nobody would wake her up. If it were a movie shooting, she'd wish the director would not shout 'Cut!". She stood by herself with no one from her nor ex-husband's family -- and she did it with strength and grace. I love how she stayed humbled despite the unbelievable height of sky reached by her daughter.

For me, they made the right decision not to bring more family members not because they did not love them but to cut troubles in the bud, knowing how some paparazzi media did that harmed some celebrities (including Lady Di) and their families.

How Prince Charles walked Meghan to his son, is admirable. I remember an article about how he desired to have a daughter with wife Diana. How she stood as a father to Meghan, for sure, would be one of his memorable events as he would not experience walking a daughter to hand over to her groom-to-be.

It matters a lot for both Meghan and mother Doria to get energy from Prince Charles by holding his arm. They have too much pains on their plates and that magical moment wiped those pains out. Imagine how brave they are in responding to the call of destiny.

The universe prepared both the lovers to lead a greater path together. They are a match made in heaven. They are both ripe for the divine union of souls.

There are some bashers saying that Meghan is an actress and just playing the game well. Time will tell. But as of the moment, I believe that Meghan truly loves Prince Harry. She is an actress, yes, but she is also a human being. She deserves to be happy after all those pains which the world knows not.

Her battlefield as a feminist, is entirely different from her husband. This is what created her to be a magnet that would attract a prince. And this is what the prince exactly needs to wed inside and out of the monarchy, the solid tradition and the dynamic changing world, and more to unveil.

Prince Harry longed for a mother -- and Doria was there. Meghan longed for a father -- and Prince Charles was there.  Their longing for their mother and father, respectively, will make them better parents to their children and will inspire them share more light for lonely children in darkness.

May 70 years of marriage of grandparents Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburg, inspire them both to honor the value of marital vows, made more meaningful with the song "Stand by Me".

I am happy that I witnessed this momentous event of a lifetime. Passionately massive!


Photo credits:  Pixabay


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