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How to Feel Light

With what's happening in the world today, we feel heavy with sadness. There are many conflicts around. Despite all technological discoveries to connect people across the globe, we seem to be disconnected and divided.

If we do not filter the flow of information coming to us through newsfeeds and other online channels, we end up full of data in mind. It is good if they are the constructive type, but if they are not, we end up like a ship sinking in the sea of nowhere.

I must be gentle to myself -- to my soul, my mind and my body.

These days I watch meditation videos for spiritual upliftment. I am connecting to my inner self. My spirit matters. My spirit is me. This spirit I want to connect with the Almighty Source of All.

For some months with some big challenges that seem to crush my whole being, I have not watched disturbing news and movies. I entertained myself with Hallmark and Lifetime movies, and most of them have "happily-ever-after" endings. They let me feel light and more in love with life and what it  can possibly surprise me in the future.

As for my body, I avoid using shampoo everyday. I love my The Faceshop Jeju fresh soothing gel given by my friend Mila. On my face I use fresh gel from my aloe vera plant now happily basking under the sunlight near my window. Sometimes I prepare fresh yogurt mixed with lemon or turmeric with pure honey and rub them on my face. So the heavy feeling of having harsh ingredients is avoided. My soap is Seba for clear face. I've purchased Colgate soft toothbrush so my gum, particularly those parts with teeth that to be fixed, would not be stressed with hard brushes. Johnson's baby oil is always a must-have for me and it helps soothe my hands after washing the dishes with strong dish washing liquid. I will buy next time one for super sensitive hand but I think it is much more expensive than the normal one with Olay.

Less crowd means less noises so I isolate myself most of the times, working on something. I've realized that noises can be heavy, too.

My cousin died yesterday. How can I make feel the grieving hearts light? I sent some words of heartfelt condolences to his immediate family members. He was tall man with heavy body built. But what is heavy body when the soul departs?

When the sister of my maternal grandmother died, I was still young, about 19 years old. I silently offered prayer in her wake. Since then I could not explain why after my prayer, a white feather dropped from the ceiling. Maybe she wanted to comfort me. I picked it up and kept it somewhere. I don't know where it is now as my children did the housekeeping while I was away.

What are you feeling today? Do you feel you have a load of negativity or grudges in your heart? Do you feel like tons of problems hammered you down to a thin sheet of metal?

Just feel light. Think of a feather. Feel like you were a feather. Light. Airy. Things will be fine. All will go well with your soul.

Photo credits:  Pixabay


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