It is a good news that now employees can work multiple part-time jobs without the approval of the original employer in the UAE. The employees must have "university degree and specialized in professions that require scientific, technical and administrative skills".
This is really a great boost to economic growth of those who take part-time jobs as various opportunities contribute to their wealth generation. They can either spend their money earned in the country where they reside, transmit money to families or save in the bank.
I just hope that time will come it will open to all employees as those in lower levels also require same opportunities to earn more.
It will be a good idea also that investors / businessmen particularly in the start-ups can take part-time jobs, too. This is another way for them to increase their resources to invest more in their businesses so they won't resort to borrowing money 100%. It is a chance to hone their skills and have an immersion experience so they have a better feel of which business to invest in for future consideration.
With this shift, the UAE government indeed helps people to be more productive and convert their time to revenues at maximum level. Domestic tourism can be aggressively promoted and supported by residents as they have resources to have rest and recreation in the country.
What if supermarkets offer part-time jobs in return for part-timers' basic needs in form of gift vouchers?
What if hospitals offer part-time jobs for a free health insurance?
What if online businesses offer home-based related jobs for some food vouchers in leading chain restaurants?
What if schools offer part-time jobs in return for a free course?
What if hotels offer part-time jobs to promote their hotels in return for a weekend staycation with free massage?
What if banks offer part-time jobs so their borrowers struggling to pay them can reduce their debts?
What if real estate companies offer part-time jobs so that part-timers can have an opportunity to build their dream home?
What if tourism companies offer part-time jobs for plane tickets?
What if jewelry sellers offer a platform for online jewelry marketers so all expatriates will go back home each with a gold investment?
Indeed we can think of many things we need, and many services we can offer, but we need responsive cooperators to open the multi-channels for such amazing exchanges of values. We are used to having money as a common instrument to exchange something for something else because it can be counted, but there is another option, and maybe more, to do so.
There are things that have priceless value like good health, education, rest and relaxation, moments that cannot be recreated, freedom from debts, etc.
Am passionately mesmerized by change in paradigms resulting to massive transformation to make human lives better.
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