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Showing posts from May, 2024

The Happiness Myth: Why Dismissing Doesn't Make You Happier

We have been all there. You share a personal struggle, a moment of vulnerability, and everything is met with a dismissive, " Lighten up! I found it funny." It stings. This flippant response, often phrased as, "You found it offensive? I found it funny. That's why I'm happier than you" might seem harmless, but it reflects a lack of empathy -- the cornerstone of strong relationships and genuine happiness. The bad thing is -- if it came from your own family member -- my dear son -- 'my sun, my moon, my stars and everything in between' . Maybe he was just trying to convert the sad mood to happy mood; on the contrary, it made me sadder. I thought he knew me. Comforting myself, yes, I knew him -- he used to crack jokes, make us smile, laugh; for some time he even played as a stand-up comedian.  I have been in down mood for some time. Deep sorrow has seemed to wrap and squeeze me  tightly for some weeks. Things have been overwhelming that I have felt I have

Mixed Bag Experience: Food Review

A wave of nostalgia washed over me when my niece surprised me with a feast from a leading food chain. It had been years since I last savored their rotisserie chicken in Dubai – the local branch sadly closed down. But even before that, fond memories of devouring their meals in the Philippines, alongside my mother, came flooding back. It was our favorite food chain back then. Am happy that they reopened in another location here in the City of Gold. The meal included fluffy white rice, glistening rotisserie chicken,  comforting mounds of mashed potatoes, macaroni and corn soup whispering promises of warmth, muffins begging to be devoured, cheese macaroni, cubed carrots and corn, and fruit salad (fresh apples, pineapple and green grapes, halved).  I passionately m asticate my foods, ensuring proper digestion, wanting to enjoy the full range of flavors. In the Philippines, their muffins were champions – moist, bursting with sweet corn that tasted fresh, like popping in your mouth. Here, how

Rekindling the Flame: Provision, Motivation, and the Power of Feeling Loved

  Lately, I've been feeling incredibly low. My energy is drained, and sadness hangs heavy. The recent miscarriage of my daughter has caused immense sorrow, and the loss of a close friend in the Philippines has compounded the grief. Additionally, personal issues like my niece's sudden job termination have added stress, with her emotional burden weighing heavily on me through constant communication. On top of that, business and personal relationships have been strained by those who struggle to see things from other perspectives and engage in undesirable behavior, leaving me deeply disappointed.  And oh, the lies after lies of some people really annoy me beyond measure. As Maya Angelou so eloquently wrote,  You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies; You may trod me in the very dirt -- But still, like dust, I'll rise. There are times in life when we feel like dust: downtrodden, lacking energy, and questioning our place in the world. We may struggle with ba

Royal Rumble*: Filipino Spaghetti with a Spicy Kick (Chicken Edition)

There's something undeniably comforting about a plate of spaghetti. It's a simple dish with the power to bring people together, a nostalgic reminder of childhood meals and family gatherings.  In the Philippines, I passionately m ade it for my loved ones, knowing it's a guaranteed crowd-pleaser, a warm hug in a bowl. "Something long, spaghetti for long life!" so they would say whenever there's someone to celebrate his / her birthday. The loss of my close friend on 29 April 2024 has left me deeply saddened. Though the wish for 'spaghetti for long life' feels bittersweet now, I hope to find solace and connection as I navigate through this grief. The sad news adds to the melancholic atmosphere as we anticipate another strong storm approaching, with mobile phone alerts already circulating. Christopher Morley , an American journalist, novelist, essayist and poet, said,  No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention. Let's see if it