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Showing posts from September, 2023

Maximizing a Small Bedroom Space

  Living in a small room, especially when you are sharing it with someone, can feel a bit cramped. However, it's all about making the most of what you have. Whether you're in a college dorm or a tiny apartment, these space-saving tips and tricks will help you create an organized and functional living space. 1. Vertical Storage Solutions When you are working with limited floor space, think upwards. Wall-mounted shelves are your best friends. Install them above the lower bunk or around the room's perimeter. Not only do they provide storage space, but they also add a touch of decor. Utilizing vertical space is the key to maximizing storage. 2. Under-bed Storage Under your bed, there's a treasure trove of untapped space. Invest in under-bed storage drawers or bins to keep clothing, shoes, or other items neatly stowed away. Bed risers can also provide extra space for storage bins, creating an organized under-bed area. 3. Hooks and Pegs Hooks and pegs are lifesavers in a smal

Unveiling the Power and Appeal of 'Unlocking' in Modern Contexts

When I tune in to a movie on Netflix , I consistently seek something infused with a sense of mystery, something that begs to be unraveled. During my childhood, I held a deep affection for the Nancy Drew tales. I passionately m arvel at how the theme of unlocking continues to captivate audiences in various forms of media. Whether it's a thrilling mystery on the silver screen or a suspenseful series on streaming platforms, the allure of discovering the unknown remains timeless. As Albert Einstein once said, The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. This quote underscores the profound human fascination with unlocking the secrets of the universe, which extends to our choice of entertainment. Just as scientists strive to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos, we, as viewers, seek narratives that challenge us to unravel enigmas, piece together clues, and ultimately arrive at a satisfying conclusion. I think the most used ti

The Joy of Sharing Food: A Universal Language of Giving

In a world filled with diverse cultures and traditions, one common thread that unites us all is the act of sharing food. It's a beautiful expression of generosity and compassion that transcends boundaries and brings people together.  I love to share my cooked foods when I have extra to give other people. It comes from my heart and gives me joy.  Sharing food embodies this essence of life. When we give, we not only nourish the bodies of those we share with but also their hearts and souls. It's a simple yet profound act that fosters unity and strengthens our bonds with one another. Food is not merely a means of survival; it's a source of joy, comfort, and connection.  Last Ramadan 2023 (22 March to 21 April 2023), it was my first time in my 18 years of stay here, that I experienced receiving foods for a month. They were from my Muslim flatmate and friend, 'brother from other mother's womb'. Every night after breaking the fast, he gave me chicken or mutton briyani,

Mastering Clear Prompt / Instruction Writing: Avoiding the Illusion of Communication

  Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you received an instruction, diligently followed it to the best of your abilities, only to be later asked to make changes due to a misunderstanding or a sudden change of direction? It can be incredibly frustrating and stressful, regardless of how patient you are. Such situations can also feel like a significant waste of time, as the effort you put into following the initial instruction could have been directed toward more valuable endeavors. In the future, it's wise to consider clarifying instructions, even if you believe you've grasped them perfectly. This proactive approach can save you from unnecessary frustration and ensure that your efforts are aligned with the intended outcome from the start. In case you are the one to give prompts, this blog is for you. The quotation by George Bernard Shaw -- The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. -- highlights a common challenge in communi

Supporting a Dear Friend in Turbulent Times

Life can be a challenging journey, and sometimes we find ourselves as the lighthouse for those we care about. I have a very close friend in his early 60's, who is struggling with tantrums and mood swings. We have considered each other as the nearest support since the darkest days. Now he is facing overwhelming personal challenges. Despite being an active member of his church and choir, he struggles to apply religious teachings in his life and often harbors negative emotions. His situation (family, work and everything) seems complicated.  I passionately m ake it a point to give reasons to emotions, and silently pray that we can navigate the storms triumphantly. In case you are in the same shoes, I share with you my thoughts. Empathy and Patience When dealing with a friend who exhibits tantrums and mood swings, it's crucial to lead with empathy and patience. Remember the times when your friend was there for you, and remind yourself of the genuine bond you share. These outbursts m

Cultivating Sustainability: The Ultimate Solution to our Planet's Challenges

  In a world facing pressing environmental challenges, the concept of sustainability emerges as a guiding light—a solution to problems that threaten not only our planet but also our well-being.  Sustainability is not merely a buzzword; it is a way of life that holds the key to a healthier, more equitable, and prosperous future. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. Sustainability, in its essence, is the antidote to unchecked greed and a blueprint for a better world. What is Sustainability, and Why is it the Solution? Sustainability, at its core, is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of our actions with the environment, society, and the economy.  Sustainability is the answer to the problems of climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality.