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Showing posts from December, 2021

100 Days to Go -- World Expo 2020 Dubai (UAE)

  According to Khaleej Times, one of leading UAE newspaper, "Just 100 days of Expo 2020 Dubai left: 10 things you must check out". I have not gone to the Expo 2020 Dubai yet but my daughter and her boyfriend from another country in the Gulf Region, together with their friends from Abu Dhabi and Dubai have already enjoyed visiting there even in few days. I said I would just spoil their trip if I go along with them due to my calf strain and I did not want to be a burden to these adventurous, fun-loving young people. This Expo 2020 Dubai's theme is "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future" which is very timely. The leaders of Dubai always think beyond here and now, and desire to capitalize on the power of mind connections in the building the future today. Many people thought it would not happen this 2021 because of the pandemic challenges, but there as the organizers committed, one year after the scheduled start date, everything opened with a big bang on 1 October 20

Of Ginger-Lemon Water, and A/C Off

  And so I am now again drinking a lot of hot lemon tea with ginger. It will help improve my health immunity . says, " Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which both have immunity-boosting properties. Ginger also has immunity-boosting properties and can guard against some bacteria." Am coughing when my back is sweating. The air conditioner is switched off again. If you are in the Gulf area, even if it is December it is still hot. There are times when it is even hotter inside my partitioned room with a window facing the sun, no building near ours to block the scorching heat -- than the actual temperature outside. I have a temperature app in my mobile phone and I regularly check it. When I switch on the air conditioner, somebody else switches it off. (I remember when we transferred to the our previous flat and I was told that the A/C was centralized, 24/7 on. I was grateful because the heat of human bodies, the lights, their gadgets -- laptops and m