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Showing posts from June, 2020

COVID-19 :: Digital Cooperation

The Digital Age opens our eyes to many things and makes our hands longer to reach whoever is in the other side of the world, as long as there is an internet connection. No time gap, no distance barrier. It makes us connected with each other. We are considered to be privileged to be born to experience in our lifetime this great technology that has changed many lives and many things. In the United Arab Emirates, immediately after the outset of the pandemic, the speed of the internet was doubled. It was in preparation for the work-from-home advice to company employees. Life went and goes on. There is a digital cooperation among those who are on WFH mode, their management, customers/clients and other stakeholders. My social media page has been flooded with online webinars and fora, all leaving lessons for self-development and sometimes, entertainment. Common platforms are  Zoom  and  Streamyard . I hope that in the very near future voice and video platforms for WhatsApp, Skype

COVID-19 :: Integration in a Challenging Situation

The current situation reminds me of 'integration' as I find this image of Geralt very compelling to display. Integration is the 'way of adding slices to find the whole' . We cannot go back to the old normal. This is the new normal. Things are very different now. What is lacking is that empty space from the old normal -- that empty space is a blank whole. Another blank whole is the new normal to which we must adapt, whether we like it or not. Everyone is on equal footing with the others as this coronavirus discriminates no one as to target as long as it can find a living host without the right defense system. We must learn how to co-exist with it, until the right vaccine is discovered and proven to be tested succesfully, to be on the preventive side, which is far better than curative. Survival with great consideration in the basics -- food security and health, is what matters most these days. So how are people ' adding slices to find the whole' ?

COVID-19 :: The Need for Bank Account with a Debit Card

The banking industry is highly challenged these days more than ever. Many businesses have closed due to coronavirus. Thousands of people got terminated. Many debtors cannot pay their personal loans, mortgages and credit card dues. The governments of different countries extend stimulus packages to businessmen and financial assistance to eligible individuals to relieve their agonies brought about by the pandemic. I think this is the best time to make it easy for people to open a bank account with a debit card. Many people are still unbanked as there are many requirements to open and maintain a bank account.   If the production and release of credit cards would be costly, a printable certificate or any form of confirmation of a bank account registration, will do for some time, as long as the data are stored in a highly secured system, and later the physical cards can be delivered after the account holder pays online for the cost and courier. It is safe to do transactions without

COVID-19 :: UAE Amnesty

There is a good news for all holders of United Arab Emirates visas that expired before 01 March 2020. It is a big relief and an answered prayer for them because there is new amnesty being extended to visa violators. The order was issued by UAE President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan last month.  Indeed, the UAE is a Home for Humanity. According to Gulf News ,  residency and tourist visa violators who overstayed (as per above) are exempted from fines. Fines for identity cards, departure permit fees, worker card and contract, cancellation of permits and renewal of labor permits are waived. Included also are those absconding violators from their sponsors and violators of work contracts. They are given three (3) months starting 18 May 2020 to leave the country according to authorities.  (Note: As far as I know based on my readings, a visa violator who wants to be covered by this amnesty cannot leave the country if there is a case lodged against him, so it i