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Showing posts from April, 2018

A Paradigm Shift on Part-time Jobs Here

It is a good news that now employees can work multiple part-time jobs without the approval of the original employer in the UAE. The employees must have "university degree and specialized in professions that require scientific, technical and administrative skills" . This is really a great boost to economic growth of those who take part-time jobs as various opportunities contribute to their wealth generation. They can either spend their money earned in the country where they reside, transmit money to families or save in the bank. I just hope that time will come it will open to all employees as those in lower levels also require same opportunities to earn more. It will be a good idea also that investors / businessmen particularly in the start-ups can take part-time jobs, too. This is another way for them to increase their resources to invest more in their businesses so they won't resort to borrowing money 100%. It is a chance to hone their skills and have an immers

Early To Rise

I am a late sleeper so I wake up late. I normally spend midnight until early morning writing, reading and doing website designs as there are less distractions after 1 AM. When you are in a sharing accommodation, you cannot avoid noises of flatmates despite house rules posted on walls.  If I still cannot sleep as many thoughts keep coming in my mind I watch news, documentaries and good movies or simply listen to relaxing music. When we were children we were told by our elders of this line many times, which makes sense --      "Early to bed, and early to rise,      Makes a man healthy and wise." Yes, good sleep boosts immune system. We know it but sometimes even if we know it, we cannot do the proper thing. When we are stressed, we cannot sleep. Stress is a silent killer. Lack of sleep slows down our metabolism and weakens our immune system. What do we miss when we wake up late? sunrise - at best between 6 AM to 10 AM (Vitamin D) best energy in the morning

Why 'I love You' Matters to Me

For a mother / daughter / wife away from her children / mother / husband, a heartfelt "I love  you" matters . It is a great lifeline contributing to my longevity. Well, when was the last time I heard it? Two days ago. My mother never fails to say it to me, "Mahal ka ng ina." ( "You are loved by your mother. ") My husband for more than a decade (or maybe more) has changed his fence and maybe by now enjoying his life to the fullest, as a single man. It is not an assurance that engagement of six (6) years or getting married to a man (or woman) of your age or over / under your age means a happy marriage. I committed some mistakes, but my door of communication has been open since day 1 so things can be fixed. It takes two (2) to tango for a marriage to work, though. It is indeed an-hour-after-hour work in progress I have a strong belief in a family where the seed of a truly genuine love, God-centered, is strongly planted at the core of all. This

How to Feel Light

With what's happening in the world today, we feel heavy with sadness. There are many conflicts around. Despite all technological discoveries to connect people across the globe, we seem to be disconnected and divided. If we do not filter the flow of information coming to us through newsfeeds and other online channels, we end up full of data in mind. It is good if they are the constructive type, but if they are not, we end up like a ship sinking in the sea of nowhere. I must be gentle to myself -- to my soul, my mind and my body. These days I watch meditation videos for spiritual upliftment. I am connecting to my inner self. My spirit matters. My spirit is me. This spirit I want to connect with the Almighty Source of All. For some months with some big challenges that seem to crush my whole being, I have not watched disturbing news and movies. I entertained myself with Hallmark and Lifetime movies, and most of them have "happily-ever-after" endings. They let me f

The Word "Passionate"

Collins Dictionary online defines a  passionate person  to be one with  strong feelings  about something or a  strong belief  in something*.  With that I say I am a passionate woman . Sometimes other people cannot understand this particularly when it has to do with belief.  I remember when a manager of a big company in our place called me to join the bidding for supply of manpower in his company. He told me, "I want you to participate in this bidding. I heard good things about you. And yes, I can see the passion in your face."  He advised me what to do and finally I won in the bidding. Can you really see or feel the passion in other's face? What about this photo? I searched for a 'perfect' photo from a stock images platform on the web, while remembering my favorite Ed Sheeran's passionate rendition of "Perfect" song , and I got this. Feel her passion?) The root word of passionate is "passion".  Passion means 'a strong