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Showing posts from October, 2023

Why 'WARNING' Might Be Costing You Email Subscribers

Recently, I unsubscribed from an author's email list because of the repeated use of 'warning' in the subject line. As Mark Twain wisely noted, The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. I passionately m aintain that the power of thoughtfully crafted subject lines can be the lightning that strikes a chord with your readers, making them eager to open your emails and not merely a lightning bug that fizzles out with overused gimmicks. In today's digital age, email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals to connect with their audience, share information, and drive engagement. One critical aspect of email marketing is the subject line, which acts as the first point of contact between your email and the recipient. A compelling subject line can pique the recipient's interest and encourage them to open your email. However, there's a fine line between catchy and off-putting,

Affordable Health Insurance for All: Innovative Solutions for Inclusive Coverage

  My friend in the Philippines asked me how I was yesterday. Maybe she noticed that my FB posts daily contained bible verses related to healing, hope and miracles -- which I really have done for some months, since that time I learned that my close friend suffered from breast cancer. (By the way, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let's take a pause and pray for those brave women whose courage shines at dark times.) We had some exchanges of messages about health issues. She said that she would offer me an attractive international healthcare plan, 3-in-1 -- insurance, healthcare plan with a health card, even if age is beyond 60 years old, and an investment opportunity.  Access to affordable healthcare is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people around the world still lack health insurance coverage.  This issue affects people of all ages, income levels, and immigration statuses. To address this problem, we must explore innovative ways to make health insurance accessible

Breaking Free from Life's Grip: 8 Instances When You Feel Trapped by an Eagle's Claws

  Life sometimes throws us into situations where we feel like we're held tightly by an eagle's claws, our dreams and aspirations just out of reach. The challenges and constraints we face can be overwhelming, leaving us with a sense of helplessness. But remember, as the saying of Aung San Suu Kyi goes,  The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear. It beautifully encapsulates the essence of our journey to break free from life's constraints. This profound wisdom reminds us that fear is often the invisible force that holds us captive, like the eagle's claws tightly gripping its prey.  It's time to break free from the grasp of life's constraints. We will explore eight (8) common instances when you might feel trapped and suggest solutions for your path to freedom. 1.  Financial Struggles Like an eagle's claws, financial hardships can grip us tightly. The solution is to find ways to make money by utilizing what you have right here

Unlocking the Power of Deep Sleep: Reducing Dementia / Alzheimer's Disease Risks and Promoting Cognitive Health

  Ever since my childhood, I have developed a habit of staying up late due to the need to study diligently in order to maintain my scholarship and complete my education. This habit has persisted, and I still struggle to fall asleep early, especially when I'm feeling upset or stressed. I understand the importance of deep sleep for overall health, as well as its potential role in reducing the risk of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. However, more often than not, I find myself awake and alert at unholy hours of the night. I don't want to experience memory-related illnesses as I age, and I believe most people share this sentiment. The experiences of my mother-in-law and others who have suffered severe cognitive decline serve as a stark wake-up call. According to the Guardian , The biological ‘brainwashing’ that happens while you are sleeping is crucial for filtering out toxins. While there's no guaranteed method to prevent dementia , there are several practices we can adopt