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Showing posts from August, 2020

COVID-19 :: It's NOT Over Yet

The coronavirus pandemic is NOT over yet. We must always get updated on related news and rulings, local and international, through verifiable sources so we know how to properly deal with it. As per as of this writing, 02 August 2020, at 1232H, the following are the figures: Coronavirus Cases: 18,043,836 Deaths: 689,187 Recovered: 11,341,930 The Philippines with 109,702,792 population, is the 25th in the ranking of highest number of cases. There are 103,185 cases, with 5,032 new cases and 2,059 deaths. Total recovered cases figure is 65,557. This is very alarming and scary because it has claimed many healthcare practitioners' lives. They must be treated with high respect, like heroes, as they risk their own lives to protect others'. From the bottom of my heart, I salute and thank them all. As I look at the figures of related cases in one of cities in our place which has been put in total lockdown, I noticed that many cases were due to exposur