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Showing posts from April, 2020

COVID-19 :: No Fines for Expired Residence Visas (UAE)

The leaders of United Arab Emirates (UAE) want to transform the country fully to be the Homeland of Humanity . It can be a model country because it thrives in diversity, where people from 220+ countries blend as they instill into the minds of all residents, local and expatriates, the value of tolerance . As I have stayed here for more than a decade, I know that most expatriates will surely agree with me that once you have experienced living here even if you have some down moments, you'd feel like you were a native of it, like it were your own homeland. There is humanity. "Humanity" , according to Wikipedia , "symbolizes love and compassion towards each other." As the UAE is a connecting point for many flights and a business hub to many nationalities, it is open to the world, of course, with some restrictions parallel to standard international policies. But when the enemy cannot be captured by the airport and port scanners, it is terrible. The unexpecte

COVID-19: Exemplary Moves - Healthcare Access

Some good things are happening restoring my faith in humanity amidst the darkness brought about by the COVID-19. According to CNN ,  " Portugal has temporarily given all migrants and asylum seekers full citizenship rights , granting them full access to the country's healthcare as the outbreak of the novel coronavirus escalates in the country. xxx The Portuguese Council of Ministers explained that the decision was taken to ' reduce the risks for public health' of maintaining the current scheduling of appointments at the immigration office, for both the border agents and the migrants and asylum seekers." (Read more here .) This is an exemplary move because migrants and asylum seekers go to a place that they consider as a refuge where they feel they can live safely. The process for visa application leading to citizenship can be long, tedious and costly, but in a situation when there are some strict border controls due to epidemic/pandemic, which is a war b